R&R | Read & Review
| Others |
R&R | Recognition and Reward
| Others |
R&R | Recruitment and Retention
| Others |
R&R | Redirect and Rephrase
| Others |
R&R | References & Resources
| Others |
R&R | Refit and Repair
| Others |
R&R | Removal and Reinstallation
| Others |
R&R | Rendezvous and Recovery
| Others |
R&R | Repair and Return
| Others |
R&R | Reproducibility And Repeatability
| Others |
R&R | Rescue and Recovery
| Others |
R&R | Rest and Recuperation
| Others |
R&R | Rest and Recuperation or Rest and Recreation 
| Military, Slang |
R&R | Rest and Relaxation
| Others |
R&R | Resupply and Return
| Others |
R&R | Rock and Roll
| Others |
R&R | Rods and Rebels
| Others |
R&R | Roles & Responsibilities
| Others |
R&R | Rolls Royce
| Others |
R&R | Rules and Regulations
| Others |
RR | Race Ready
| Others |
RR | Race Replica
| Others |
RR | Racing Replica
| Others |
RR | Radical Right
| Others |
RR | Radio and Records
| Others |
RR | Radio Ready
| Others |
RR | Radio Retransmission
| Others |
RR | Rafter Rat
| Others |
RR | Raging Red
| Others |
RR | Ragnorak Raiders
| Others |
RR | Rail Road
| Others |
RR | Railroad RR
| Others |
RR | railroad There
| Others |
RR | Rain Rate
| Others |
RR | Rainfall Runoff
| Others |
RR | Raised Rail
| Others |
RR | Rally Raid
| Others |
RR | Ramage and Ramage
| Others |
RR | Ranch Road
| Others |
RR | Random Rambling
| Others |
RR | Random Reflected
| Others |
RR | Randy Rhoads
| Others |
RR | Rapid Rehabilitation
| Others |
RR | Rapid Release
| Others |
RR | Rapid Retrieve
| Others |
RR | Rapid Rise
| Others |
RR | Raritan River Railroad (Conrail)
| Others |
RR | Rarum Rarisimus
| Others |
RR | Rat Racing
| Others |
RR | Rate Ratio
| Others |
RR | Rational Recovery
| Others |
RR | Ravens Ridge
| Others |
RR | Raymond Richard
| Others |
RR | Rb Reset
| Others |
RR | Re Reading
| Others |
RR | Re Register
| Others |
RR | Re Review
| Others |
RR | Readiness Review
| Others |
RR | Reading Recovery
| Others |
RR | Reading Renaissance
| Others |
RR | Ready Reaction
| Others |
RR | Real Rate
| Others |
RR | Really Razy
| Others |
RR | Really Red
| Others |
RR | Reattack Recommendation
| Others |
RR | Rebel Rocket
| Others |
RR | Recall Recommendation
| Others |
RR | Receive Ready
| Others |
RR | Receiver Ready
| Others |
RR | Receiving Record
| Others |
RR | Recognition Rate
| Others |
RR | Recovery Room
| Others |
RR | Rectal Ring
| Others |
RR | Recycled Rubber
| Others |
RR | Red Rain
| Others |
RR | Red Ribbon
| Others |
RR | Red Rose
| Others |
RR | Reference Range
| Others |
RR | Reference Receiver
| Others |
RR | Reflexive Relation
| Others |
RR | Regional Radio
| Others |
RR | Register Read
| Others |
RR | Registered Representative
| Others |
RR | Registration Room
| Others |
RR | Regular Relation
| Others |
RR | Regular Rhythm
| Others |
RR | Rehabilitate and Remove
| Others |
RR | Reichard Racing
| Others |
RR | Reichsleiter Rosenberg
| Others |
RR | Reify Reflect
| Others |
RR | Reinassance Ridge
| Others |
RR | Rejection Region
| Others |
RR | Relative Risk
| Others |
RR | Relative risks
| Others |
RR | Relaxed Rider
| Others |
RR | Relevant Rank
| Others |
RR | Relevant Ranks
| Others |
RR | Reliable and Responsible
| Others |
RR | Religious Right
| Others |
RR | Remittance Regulations
| Others |
RR | Removal Rate
| Others |
RR | Remove to Recycling
| Others |
RR | Renderzone Radiosity
| Others |
RR | Repeat Reminder
| Others |
RR | Repeatedly Reactive
| Others |
RR | Request for reexamination
| Others |
RR | Request Resource
| Others |
RR | Request Return
| Others |
RR | Required Reserves
| Others |
RR | Requirements Review
| Others |
RR | Research Report
| Others |
RR | Reserve Ratio
| Others |
RR | Resistance Roll
| Others |
RR | Resonance Raman
| Others |
RR | Resource Records 
| Internet, Technology, Networking |
RR | Respiration Rate
| Others |
RR | Respiratory Rate
| Others |
RR | Response Rate
| Others |
RR | Restricted from Returning
| Others |
RR | Results Ready
| Others |
RR | Retain and Recall
| Others |
RR | Retarded Republicans
| Others |
RR | Rethink Recycling
| Others |
RR | Revenue Recognition
| Others |
RR | Reverse Rotation
| Others |
RR | Reykjanes Ridge
| Others |
RR | Richard Russell
| Others |
RR | Richie Rich
| Others |
RR | Riff Repeater
| Others |
RR | Right Rear
| Others |
RR | Ring Road
| Others |
RR | Risk Ratio
| Others |
RR | Risk Reduction
| Others |
RR | Risk Reversal
| Others |
RR | River Rats
| Others |
RR | Road Racer
| Others |
RR | Road Racing
| Others |
RR | Road Ready
| Others |
RR | Road Roller
| Others |
RR | Road Runner
| Others |
RR | Robert Riley
| Others |
RR | Rock Rules
| Others |
RR | Rolled Roofing
| Others |
RR | Roller Rocker
| Others |
RR | Rolls-Royce Engine Designation
| Others |
RR | Rookies Restricted
| Others |
RR | Rough Riders
| Others |
RR | Round Robin
| Others |
RR | Round Rock
| Others |
RR | Rounds Remaining
| Others |
RR | Roundup Ready
| Others |
RR | Rowdy Rochelle
| Others |
RR | Roy Rogers
| Others |
RR | Royal Ranger
| Others |
RR | Royal Red
| Others |
RR | Royce Realm
| Others |
RR | Rubber Rand
| Others |
RR | Rugged Records
| Others |
RR | Rugged Ridge
| Others |
RR | Ruggedness And Reliability
| Others |
RR | Run Rest
| Others |
RR | Run Run
| Others |
RR | Rural Reconstruction
| Others |
RR | Rural Remainder
| Others |
RR | Rural Residential
| Others |
RR | Rural Route
| Others |
RR | Russian River
| Others |
RR | Russian Roulette
| Others |