CIC | Cadet In Charge
| Others |
CIC | Cadet Instructor Cadre
| Others |
CIC | Call Instance Code
| Others |
CIC | Cambodian Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Cambridge Innovation Center
| Others |
CIC | Campus Improvement Committee
| Others |
CIC | Canada Israel Committee
| Others |
CIC | Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity
| Others |
CIC | Canadian International Council
| Others |
CIC | Cancel If Close
| Others |
CIC | Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium
| Others |
CIC | Car Information Computer
| Others |
CIC | Car Infotainment Computer
| Others |
CIC | Care Improvement Council
| Others |
CIC | Career and Internship Connections
| Others |
CIC | Career Internships Connections
| Others |
CIC | Caribbean Innovation Competition
| Others |
CIC | Carnegie Integrated Course
| Others |
CIC | Carrier Identification Code
| Others |
CIC | Cascaded Integrated Comb
| Others |
CIC | Catalogue Item Confirmation
| Others |
CIC | Cause I Can
| Others |
CIC | Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway
| Others |
CIC | Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway (Crandic)
| Others |
CIC | Cell Invisibility Cache
| Others |
CIC | Census Industry Center
| Others |
CIC | Census Industry Classification
| Others |
CIC | Census Information Centers
| Others |
CIC | Center for Information and Communications
| Others |
CIC | Center for Innovation and Commercialization
| Others |
CIC | Center on International Cooperation
| Others |
CIC | Central Illinois Corvettes
| Others |
CIC | Central Information Commission 
| Government, Organization |
CIC | Central Integrated Checkout
| Others |
CIC | Central Intelligence Corporation
| Others |
CIC | Centre d'Investigation Clinique (France)
| Others |
CIC | Centrul de Informatica Si Comunicatii
| Others |
CIC | Certification in Infection Control
| Others |
CIC | Certified in Infection Control
| Others |
CIC | Certified Inpatient Coder
| Others |
CIC | Certified Insurance Counselor
| Others |
CIC | Certified Insurance Counselors
| Others |
CIC | Certified Irrigation Contractor
| Others |
CIC | Chamber of Industry and Commerce
| Others |
CIC | Chana International Corporation
| Others |
CIC | Chang International Circuit
| Others |
CIC | Change Identification Number
| Others |
CIC | Change In Condition
| Others |
CIC | Charitable Incorporated Organisation
| Others |
CIC | Chartered Investment Council
| Others |
CIC | Chartered Investment Counselor
| Others |
CIC | Chat In Character
| Others |
CIC | Chemical Institute of Canada
| Others |
CIC | Chesapeake Innovation Center
| Others |
CIC | Chicken In Conflict
| Others |
CIC | Chicks In Charge
| Others |
CIC | Chico Municipal Airport, Chico, California USA
| Others |
CIC | Chief Information Commissioner
| Others |
CIC | Children In Common
| Others |
CIC | Chimp In Chief
| Others |
CIC | Christian Initiation of Children
| Others |
CIC | Christians In Combat
| Others |
CIC | Chronic Idiopathic Constipation
| Others |
CIC | Chronic Illness Coalition
| Others |
CIC | Circuit Identification Code
| Others |
CIC | Circulating Immune Complex
| Others |
CIC | Cisco Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Citizen Involvement Committee
| Others |
CIC | Citizenship and Immigration Canada
| Others |
CIC | Citizenship and Immigration Canada (superseded by IRCC)
| Others |
CIC | Classroom Intervention Center
| Others |
CIC | Clean Intermittent Catheterization
| Others |
CIC | Cleanroom Interface Chamber
| Others |
CIC | Cluster Institute Coordinator
| Others |
CIC | Codex Iuris Canonici
| Others |
CIC | Coin Inlayed Chip
| Others |
CIC | Collaboration and Interoperability Congress
| Others |
CIC | College of Information and Communications
| Others |
CIC | College of Information and Cyberspace
| Others |
CIC | Collision Industry Conference
| Others |
CIC | Color and Imaging Conference
| Others |
CIC | Color Imaging Conference
| Others |
CIC | Combat in Cities
| Others |
CIC | Combat Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Combat Integration Cell
| Others |
CIC | Combat Intelligence Center
| Others |
CIC | Combined Intelligence Center
| Others |
CIC | Comes In Clogged
| Others |
CIC | Command Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Command Interface Control
| Others |
CIC | Commander In Chief
| Others |
CIC | Committee for Institutional Cooperation
| Others |
CIC | Committee on Institutional Cooperation
| Others |
CIC | Common Information Core
| Others |
CIC | Common Interest Communities
| Others |
CIC | Common Interest Community
| Others |
CIC | Communications Interface Controller
| Others |
CIC | Communications Interface Coordinator
| Others |
CIC | Community Improvement Corporation
| Others |
CIC | Community Integrity and Commitment
| Others |
CIC | Community Interest Company
| Others |
CIC | Community Investment Collaborative
| Others |
CIC | Community Investment Collaborative's
| Others |
CIC | Community Investment Corporation
| Others |
CIC | Community Involvement Commission
| Others |
CIC | Community Involvement Committee
| Others |
CIC | Company Information Co
| Others |
CIC | Completely in Canal
| Others |
CIC | Completely In the Canal
| Others |
CIC | Comprehensive Illness Coverage
| Others |
CIC | Comprehensive Injury Center
| Others |
CIC | Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
| Others |
CIC | Comprehensive Integrated Care
| Others |
CIC | Computationally Intensive Computing
| Others |
CIC | Computer Integrated Courses
| Others |
CIC | Computer Interface Card
| Others |
CIC | Computers in Cardiology
| Others |
CIC | Computers In Cardiology Conference
| Others |
CIC | Computers Information Chemistry
| Others |
CIC | Conewago Isle Campground
| Others |
CIC | Connecticut Invention Convention
| Others |
CIC | Construction Industry Center
| Others |
CIC | Construction Industry Council
| Others |
CIC | Construction Intelligence Center
| Others |
CIC | Consultant in Charge
| Others |
CIC | Consumer Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Consumer Insurance Council
| Others |
CIC | Contemporary Information Corp
| Others |
CIC | Contemporary Information Corporation
| Others |
CIC | Content Indicator Code
| Others |
CIC | Continuing Improvement Council
| Others |
CIC | Continuous Information Capture
| Others |
CIC | Control and Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Controlled Investment Company
| Others |
CIC | Controls In Contents
| Others |
CIC | Convention Industry Council
| Others |
CIC | Convention Industry Council's
| Others |
CIC | Coordination and Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Core Investment Companies 
| Company |
CIC | Corona Indonesia Club
| Others |
CIC | Correctional Institutions Chaplaincy
| Others |
CIC | Corrections Information Council
| Others |
CIC | Corrosion Inhibiting Compound
| Others |
CIC | Council of Independent Colleges
| Others |
CIC | Counter Intelligence Corps
| Others |
CIC | Counter-Intelligence Center
| Others |
CIC | Counter-Intelligence Corps
| Others |
CIC | Coupon Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Coupon Information Corporation
| Others |
CIC | Coverglass Interconnect Cell
| Others |
CIC | Crane Institute Certification
| Others |
CIC | Crazy Indian Criminal
| Others |
CIC | Crew Interface Coordinator
| Others |
CIC | Crisis Intervention Center
| Others |
CIC | Crisis Intervention Clinic
| Others |
CIC | Critical Illness Cash
| Others |
CIC | Critical Item Controller
| Others |
CIC | Crystal Information Communication
| Others |
CIC | Current Illness Checklist
| Others |
CIC | Customer Identification Code
| Others |
CIC | Customer Information Center
| Others |
CIC | Customer Interaction Center
| Others |
CIC | Customer Interaction Centre
| Others |
CIC | Customer Interface Card
| Others |
CIC | Cyber Intelligence Center
| Others |
CIC | Institut de Chimie du Canada
| Others |