BMCS | B M C Software
| Others |
BMCS | Beyond Mission Capable Solutions
| Others |
BMCS | Bi Modular Charge System
| Others |
BMCS | Bi-Modular Charge System 
| Military, Electronic Devices |
BMCS | Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector 
| Science |
BMCS | Biological Medicinal Chemistry Sector
| Others |
BMCS | Bishop McNamara Catholic School
| Others |
BMCS | Blow-Out Monitoring and Controlling System
| Others |
BMCS | Boatswain's Mate Senior Chief Petty Officer
| Others |
BMCS | Bone Marrow Cells Strauer
| Others |
BMCS | Brain Mind Computer Science
| Others |
BMCS | Branch Movement Control System
| Others |
BMCS | Building Management and Control Systems
| Others |
BMCS | Building Monitoring and Control System
| Others |
BMCS | Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety
| Others |
BMCS | Senior Chief Boatswain's Mate
| Others |