Z | Compressed file archive.Z
| Others |
Z | Depth axis
| Others |
Z | Flash Precedence
| Others |
Z | form Z (polar make; make) bar contactor
| Others |
Z | Normal Acceleration (Load Factor)
| Others |
Z | Unit of Sleep
| Others |
Z | Unix Compressed file archive.z (binary)
| Others |
Z | Z
| Others |
Z | Z-axis (depth)
| Others |
Z | Z-axis direction
| Others |
Z | Zachariah
| Others |
Z | Zachary
| Others |
Z | Zahl
| Others |
Z | Zany
| Others |
Z | Zanzibar
| Others |
Z | Zapped
| Others |
Z | Zappers
| Others |
Z | Zartan
| Others |
Z | Zeile
| Others |
Z | Zener diode
| Others |
Z | Zenith
| Others |
Z | Zeolite
| Others |
z | Zepto
| Others |
Z | Zimmerman
| Others |
Z | Zing
| Others |
Z | Zip
| Others |
Z | Zipper
| Others |
Z | Zivilversion
| Others |
Z | Zoe
| Others |
Z | Zombie
| Others |
Z | Zone
| Others |
Z | Zoo
| Others |
Z | Zoom
| Others |
Z | Zork
| Others |
Z | Zu
| Others |
Z | Zukunft
| Others |
Z | Zulu time
| Others |
Z | Zulu Time (Coordinated Universal Time [UTC] / 'Greenwich Mean Time' )
| Others |
Z | Zulu Time (Greenwich Mean Time / Universal Time)
| Others |
Z | Zzzzzz (falling asleep at the keyboard)
| Others |
Z ' | Z-axis Rate of Change
| Others |
Z# | Frotz Z-Code Game
| Others |
Z&P | Zuckerbrot und Peitsche
| Others |
Z&W | Zack & Wiki
| Others |
Z-N | Ziehl-Neelson stain
| Others |
z. B. | zum Beispiel
| Others |
z. T. | zum Teil
| Others |
Z.B.V. | Zur Besonderen Verwendung (For special purpose)
| Others |
Z/F | Zone of Fire
| Others |
z/OS | latest operating system in the OS/360 lineage
| Others |