X | 10
| Others |
X | 6-12 Ghz Frequency Band
| Others |
X | Adults only, no one under 17 admitted
| Others |
X | Alysis SuperDisk Self-extracting archive
| Others |
X | AVS X image file 24-bit Bitmap graphics
| Others |
X | By
| Others |
X | Crystal (Xtal) (circuit diagram marking)
| Others |
X | Ex (former)
| Others |
X | Ex- (former)
| Others |
X | form X (normally open) bar contactor
| Others |
x | Got beat up
| Others |
X | Horizontal axis
| Others |
X | Horizontal axis (plotter X-axis)
| Others |
X | Multiplied By
| Others |
X | Position Error
| Others |
X | Reactance
| Others |
X | Shipped With/In a Relationship With
| Others |
X | ten
| Others |
X | Times
| Others |
X | Trans-
| Others |
X | Unable To Proceed
| Others |
X | X-axis (horizontal axis)
| Others |
X | X-file Animation ( Direct3D) ( DeepV2)
| Others |
X | X-windows
| Others |
X | X1 Archive
| Others |
X | Xamarin
| Others |
X | Xavier
| Others |
X | Xbox
| Others |
X | Xena
| Others |
X | Xenax
| Others |
X | Xerxes
| Others |
X | Xplain
| Others |
X | Xtra
| Others |
X DIS | Ex-DIStribution
| Others |
X YR DEV | 10 Year Device
| Others |
X&V | Xhtml and Voice
| Others |
X' | X-axis Rate of Change
| Others |
X'' | X-axis Rate of Acceleration
| Others |
x-( | Mad
| Others |
X-AFP | Extended alpha-fetoprotein
| Others |
X-ARP | Extended Alpha-Feroprotein
| Others |
X-BAR | X Bar Ranch
| Others |
X-FN | Cross-Function
| Others |
X-I-10 | Exciting
| Others |
X-it | Exit
| Others |
X-LAW | Xtreme Latin American Wrestling
| Others |
X-MAS | Abbreviation for "Christmas"
| Others |
X-MEN | Extraordinary Men
| Others |
X-MEN | Xavier's Men
| Others |
X-OFF | Transmit OFF
| Others |